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The Universe in a Hologram
Jul 1, 2005

We started 2005 with a tsunami and continue with hurricanes. God knows what may follow Katrina, Rita, Stan . . . but in the face of all these disasters the faithful stand firm in their belief, for whenever a tragedy comes, or they suffer a problem, or a terrible accident happens, or they lose a close companion, they say the following words of Erzurumlu Ibrahim Hakki:

Whatever comes from You is welcome
Be it a blossoming rose or a thorn,
a robe or a shroud
Your wrath or grace … both are welcome.

We pray for the souls of those who passed away in the many calamities of this year and offer our condolences to those who have lost close ones.

The lead article of the current issue delves into a most beautiful portrayal of our true nature. Gulen describes humankind as the “rarest of roses, the pearl of existence, worthy of respect, created to be loved” . . . what else can be said about the priceless worth of each person? This approach to humanity, in which we exalt every single individual to the same lofty value, is the secret to a worldly peace.

Fasting is a practice observed by a great majority of Muslims all over the world during Ramadan, the holy month of Islam, which this year starts early in October. Asar and Bingul co-authored a comprehensive article concerning this spiritual diet. Emphasizing the fact that any worship is done solely for the pleasure of God, the authors indicate many of the spiritual, physical and communal benefits of the fast.

“When you're not with me, I feel as though I'm not complete. When I'm sitting, I want to go away; when I go away, I'd rather be home; when I'm talking with people, I'd rather be studying; when I study, I can't sit still and concentrate; and when I go to sleep, I'm not satisfied with the way the day has passed,” says Albert Einstein in a letter to his future wife, Mileva Maric. He was probably not the best husband, but he obviously did not look on marriage as Voltaire did: “Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly.” Marriage is one of the most important steps we will take in life. Both men and women have certain roles that they fulfill in a successful marriage; but perhaps at the very first they should recognize the fact that “they have different natures that are designed for the duties they . . . perform in this life.” “Resonant Egos” by Sermed Ogretim is a treasure for married couples as well as for those who are about to unite.

What is the universe? How can we gain knowledge of the cosmos? In her thought-provoking article Zeynep Gunay Unalan presents how to use hologram, a three-dimensional imaging technique, as a means to perceive how divine manifestation occurs in the universe.
