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Matter and beyond
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Below are the articles under the tag Environment.
Climate Change and Our Health
09 January 2023 | Fatih Demirci | Issue 151 (Jan - Feb 2023)
At the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, countries signed an agreement on a series of measures to address climate c…
PFAS: The “Forever Chemicals”
01 January 2022 | Hilal Akman and Areej Qamar | Issue 145 (Jan - Feb 2022)
“Man-made chemical” sounds dangerous if we imagined it in relation to what we eat, put on as clothes, or use with our hands. We should not be obsesse…
Camera Clicks
01 January 2020 | Ibrahima Sacko | Issue 133 (Jan - Feb 2020)
The slight drizzle hitting the dry ground and dead grass was the highlight of my day. It’s been over three months since the last glimpse of rainfal…
Amazon: The Lungs of Our Earth
01 November 2019 | Maisie Bennett | Issue 132 (Nov - Dec 2019)
Beginning in July of 2019, the Brazilian Amazon rainforest has been up in flames, burning up the lush foliage and engulfing much of the wildlife, alo…
Mmm, Mmm, Popcorn!
01 January 2018 | Safiye Arslan | Issue 121 (January - February 2018)
Who doesn't love popcorn! Eating popcorn is fun for everybody especially for kids. James Hörner’s [1] poem below might express feelings of Americans…
Awesome Inspirations from Shark Skin
01 November 2017 | Adam Allison | Issue 120 (November - December 2017)
There are more than 500 species of sharks that have been identified. They can live both in the sea and in fresh water. According to the fossil record…
Arteries and Veins – How and Why Are They Different?
01 November 2017 | Omer Yildiz | Issue 120 (November - December 2017)
The human body is an ideal example of the perfect harmony between structure and function; every part serves a purpose. Arteries and veins differ in…
Sea Cucumbers and Their Extraordinary Defense Systems
01 July 2017 | Rumeysa Yazar | Issue 118 (July - August 2017)
Sea cucumbers are soft-bodied invertebrates from the Holothuroidea class of thorns. Although they are usually a long cylindrical structure reminisce…
Slender But Strong Dragonflies
01 May 2017 | Ted Keene | Issue 117 (May - June 2017)
Many scientists have been conducting studies examining the natural world for clues that will hopefully improve human flight engineering. One of the s…
Technology Inspired by Wheat Stems
01 May 2017 | Sam Plat | Issue 117 (May - June 2017)
Human beings have made significant developments in technology. Better designs are emerging by the day. The dizzying speed of development hasn’t just…
Cleaning the Earth with Wind
01 March 2017 | Ulan Dakeev | Issue 116 (March - April 2017)
Home to seven billion people, Earth is one of the smallest planets in our solar system (its circumference is around 40 thousand kilometers at the equ…
The World through the Eyes of Honeybees
01 January 2017 | Aidan Yielding | Issue 115 (January-February 2017)
The earth and the sky are filled with “light,” which are really colors of countless different wavelengths. Different colors are visible…
The Strategy Game of Our Immune System
01 November 2016 | Brian Turk | Issue 114 (November - December 2016)
The organs and systems of the human body work together in perfect harmony. If kept in optimal condition, they function for many years. Our body is th…
Letting Beings Be
01 November 2016 | Al Freeman | Issue 114 (November - December 2016)
There is a growing awareness that the natural world cannot sustain modern civilization in its present form. Humanity must change if the whole chain o…
Nature Inspired Self Cleaning Surfaces – An Example of Lotus Leaves
01 November 2016 | Melissa McPen | Issue 114 (November - December 2016)
How small is “Nano” scale? For most of us, it is difficult to imagine such a small unit of measurement. To help you imagine how small Nano scale is…
The Bloody Waters in Taiji
01 September 2016 | Betul Aydin | Issue 113 (September - October 2016)
Imagine getting cornered by an immense group of another species. They surround you with a wall of loud, sharp noises, imprisoning you and sending a f…
Over-Salinization: The White Death of the Soil
01 September 2016 | Al Curtis | Issue 113 (September - October 2016)
Properly irrigating agricultural land is a delicate balance. More water does not always mean a more abundant harvest. In arid climates, supplying mor…
Environment and Values Education
01 July 2016 | Emel Berberoglu | Issue 112 (July - August 2016)
My grandmother did not waste anything; she always repaired our clothes not to waste any of them. My mother follows in her mother’s path; she washes…
Barq (Lightning)
01 May 2016 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 111 (May - June 2016)
Barq (lightning) is a light that flashes in an initiate during the first steps of the journey toward sainthood. This is the first invitation to those…
The Discovery of Green Water
01 January 2016 | Harun Avci | Issue 109 (January -February 2016)
The populations of cities, countries – and thus, the world – are constantly increasing. During the last two centuries, due to the impact of industria…
Sea Algae
01 January 2016 | H. Arif Ustaoglu | Issue 109 (January -February 2016)
Used extensively in the food industry, and serve as the raw material for plant fertilizers and many drugs used to fight diseases, seaweeds (or algae)…
Green Faith
01 September 2015 | John N. Dorner | Issue 107 (September - October 2015)
Dialogue is about authentic expression as to who I am, who we are. It is about listening to one another and learning from one another in a spirit of…
The Human Footprint on the Environment: Impacts and Solutions
01 March 2015 | Danielle Black | Issue 104 (March - April 2015)
Environmental destruction is wreaking havoc on treasured resources, like the Ganges River, but it’s also striking closer to home, in our local comm…
In Respect of Nature: The Amazing Nature of Bacterial Bio Plastics
01 May 2014 | Melissa McPen | Issue 99 (May - June 2014)
"Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money." Cree…
Exploding Stars Supernovas
01 July 2013 | Nuri Balta | Issue 94 (July - August 2013)
What is a supernova?The life of a star is affected by two main factors: while gravitational forces pull the gas contained in the star towards the cen…
A Slap on the Beach
01 May 2013 | Erhan Yenilmez | Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
The tropical Kamilo Beach on the Big Island of Hawaiian Archipelago should be a scenic place with white sands and crystal clear waters. However it is…
YNU: Your Nature University
01 March 2013 | Kelli Angelone | Issue 92 (March - April 2013)
Today, many grade-school children do not know that milk comes from cows and eggs come from chickens. They think it all comes from the refrigerator…
Healing of Wounds
01 March 2013 | Mahmut Celiker | Issue 92 (March - April 2013)
What possible similarities could there exist between a human and a tree? Interestingly, the open wounds of human beings and trees are subject to th…
Meet Molecular Motors: The Cargo Transporters in the Microcosm
01 January 2013 | Ali Fethi Toprak | Issue 91 (January - February 2013)
They are tiny, and there are billions of them inside you. Tiny machines, one thousand times thinner than a hair strand but strong enough to carry a…
The Lotus Effect: A Manifestation of Divine Purity
01 January 2013 | Bill Sayoran | Issue 91 (January - February 2013)
The lotus, a radiant and graceful aquatic plant with a magnificent ability to repel dirt, has been the inspiration behind a range of self-cleaning…
Living Green: How Much Do I Need to Suffer for It?
01 November 2012 | Fethiye Ozis | Issue 90 (November - December 2012)
Fewer disposables. Fewer climate-changing green house gases. Fewer containers of trash. Fewer acres of ecological footprint. However, more local solu…
Hidden Danger in the Waters
01 November 2011 | Bahadir Can Gumussulu | Issue 84 (November - December 2011)
Everything-from the size of raindrops to the height of trees, the speed of wind and the food chain produced in the ocean-is controlled within a magni…
Drinking Water from the Sea: Polymeric Membranes for Desalination
01 September 2011 | Kamil Ezgin | Issue 83 (September - October 2011)
One billion people in the world live in water-stressed areas, and RO membrane technology is the leading desalination technology to overcome the probl…
The Sun: The Source We Cannot Utilize
01 March 2011 | Bedirhan Altunay | Issue 80 (March - April 2011)
The sun gives out about 1.17x1031 kJ (kilojoule) energy every year. Only one and half trillionth of this energy reaches the Earth, 150 million kilome…
Belief and Our Treatment of the Environment
01 September 2010 | Ayse Meva Nur | Issue 77 (September - October 2010)
I see... Everywhere I look, I see citizens polluting, communities mistreating and nations exploiting the earth. I watch them as they misuse and abu…
The Carrot: A Source of Healing
01 January 2010 | Selim Mutlu | Issue 73 (January - February 2010)
Arguably one of the most popular vegetables that we use in our kitchens is carrots. With the exception of its well known benefits to the sight, only…
The Death of the Aral Sea
01 November 2008 | Timur Ceylan | Issue 66 (November - December 2008)
The Aral crisis is the best example of an ecological problem with serious social and economic consequences, directly or indirectly connected with a…
Biogas as a Clean Energy
01 September 2008 | Bekir Mugayitoglu | Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
Recent years have witnessed rapid industrialization and population growth, along with profligate consumption of energy. This in turn has triggered en…
Bacteria: The Real Stewards of the Environment
01 July 2008 | Melih Cubuklu | Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
As a result of campaigns that have been led by number of celebrities, we are now aware that it is us, human beings, who have contaminated earth. As a…
Lessons from Nature
01 October 2007 | Muhammed Toprak | Issue 60 (October - December 2007)
Scientists are always trying to find more effective ways of making high performance materials with minimum consumption of energy and resources, minim…
The Moon Sighting and the Lunar Calendar
01 January 2007 | Bruce C. Williams | Issue 57 (January - March 2007)
The Islamic calendar is based on lunar months, which begin when a new crescent is sighted in the western sky after sunset within a day or so after th…
The Most Terrifying Global Catastrophe
01 January 2007 | Mustafa Nutku | Issue 57 (January - March 2007)
The atmosphere, which completely surrounds our Earth, is an aggregate of different elements. Its composition is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen; the rema…
Ozone Curtain
01 April 2006 | Mustafa Nutku | Issue 54 (April - June 2006)
The issue which has occupied the agenda of the entire world in this century is the environment. As a matter of fact mankind can never be considered i…
Global Warming and Forests
01 October 2005 | Ahmet Tarik | Issue 52 (October - December 2005)
Is the number and severity of floods, droughts that cause famine and deaths, forest fires, hurricanes and ice melts increasing? If there is such an i…
Everything in the Environment Reflects God
01 April 2002 | Bediuzzaman Said Nursi | Issue 38 (April - June 2002)
The All-Wise Creator has made the vegetable and animal kingdoms-particularly the small ones-one of the broadest arenas for displaying His Power and m…