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Virtual Park
Jul 1, 2000

The tradition of our scientific and technological explosion continues in the new millennium as an inheritance from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The need to publicize scientific developments has caused Web publishers to prepare a site to announce daily science news. It is updated three times a day. The following scientific disciplines are covered:

•Health & Medicine, Cells & Microbes, Mind & Brain, Plants & Animals are located in the Life Sciences section.

•Space & Time, Matter & Energy, Earth & Climate, Computers & Math are subdepartments of the Physical Sciences section.

•Engineering & Tech, Fossils & Ruins, Fun & Learning, and Trends & Issues are subdepartments of the Science & Society section.

•The “picture of the day” is published in the Image Gallery section. Images are being archieved in this section and categorized according to topic. Top-rated images also are listed here.

•Newsgroups on scientific subjects are located in the Discussion section. Topics for the “talk of the day” for the news-groups and the message archive can be found, too.

Hubble thing is the Web address of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STSCI), a site operated for NASA. The Latest News from Hubble and Hubble Pictures are published by this page.

•All pictures since 1990 are being archived in the Gallery section. The Gallery of Planetary Nebulae contains more than 100 pictures.

•The Education section contains subdepartments of Education at Hubble and Origins: Searching for Our Cosmic Roots.

•The Sci-Tech section covers The Story of the Hubble Space Telescope and features a tour of the STSCI facility.

Family and Health

The virtual version of the American Academy of Family Physicians is located at Its main topics are family health and nutrition. Visitors are asked a daily question.

• The Family Practice section contains definitions, statistics, and government and advocacy information.

• The Clinical Information section features information on family health policies and research. CME (Continuing Medical Education) and lists courses, calendars, and on-line credit departments. This latter information is especially helpful for students who want to continue their medical education.

Journals, directories, and newsletters about family health are located in the Publications section.

AAFP also publishes 
